Tuesday, April 29, 2008

just some random thoughts and questions.......

1. I feel like life has been crazy lately... is it just lately or is that just life?
2. Why is it 80 degrees one day in Kentucky and then 45 degrees the next?
3. Why does my daughter change her clothes 500 times a day?
4. Should I get my nose pierced? (I know my dad's answer to that one.)
5. My husband almost fell through our church ceiling the other day. His foot actually went through.
6. Why is golfing so expensive?.... and time consuming?... and so dumb.
7. Why are churches filled with crazy people?
8. Why is my husband wanting me to cook him dinner at 11:00 at night?
9. I love my girls.
10. Music can change my mood.
11. I am afraid to vote this year..... things are going to get crazy.
12. My parents are coming to visit soon.... I am excited.
13. Why does $3.00 gas now seem so cheap?
14. Why did I ever want to grow up?
15. Why am I not in bed?

1 comment:

Kelly Weinberg said...

You are too funny! I have had some of those random thoughts myself! =) Especially the weather thought. It is 70 and beautiful here one day and then next day it is 45 and rain. I wish it would just stay warm and sunny!!

Oh, and I think you should definitely get your nosed pierced. It would look so cute on you. I was thinking about doing it last summer, but I chickened out!