* Christmas is about two months away........ CAN'T WAIT.
* I miss my family more than usual this time of year.
* I am down 11 pounds and am realizing that the days to come are going to be challenging...... baking, cookies, fudge..... you get my point.
* I feel extremely blessed and never want to go a day without thanking God for that..... Even when things are awful, they could be worse. Hell is worse.
* I am a sucker for holiday inspired coffee creamers.... gingerbread, eggnog, peppermint mocha. We go through them like toilet paper around this house this time of year.
* I have been thinking about another baby.... before you freak out...... Joel and I talk about it, tease about it, and that is as far as it gets. I really think we are done, but I am pretty sure I will regret, in future years, not having a third. Sounds so crazy.... you might be thinking, if you know you are going to regret it, why not have one?...... seems to not be that easy because the
thought of having another also makes me want to cry... diapers again.... UGH.
* the thought of swine flu really does make me think of pigs... I know they are not related whatsoever... but still.
* the leaves outside my windows are GORGEOUS.
* I drink way too much coffee.
* Thanksgiving is coming soon- wonder if I will have any visitors?