Saturday, September 27, 2008

Two posts in a day

So, this is my second post today..... I just needed to ask you all something that has been on my mind. What do you think of when you hear the word revival? Do you get excited or cynical? I think it is interesting. The revivals of our time.... Toronto, Brownsville, Florida....... what do you think? I'll keep my thoughts to myself for now.


Bethany Patrice said...

I'm terrible...but I'm always on the cynical side. Unfortunately I have seen too many people chase "revival" and not Jesus. I remember being in Springfield and reading church signs that said, "Revial on Friday 7-9". What, was Jesus only at the church once a week for two hours? I have a hard time asking for more of Jesus in my life...He has already given me everything. What I need to do is start giving more of myself to Him. That's revival.

Angel said...

I think about people getting saved and changed. And people hungering for more of the presence of Jesus in their lives. I long for more of God's presence in my life everyday, without it, I can't survive this world. Revival is an awakening and a refreshing....I know I need to be refreshed and awakened at times b/c I go through times when I feel like I need a fresh touch of God - we all do. There doesn't have to be manifestations, but a lot of times there are in revival, but that's not the purpose of a revival - to experience a manifestation. But, I believe the only thing that will bring a true revival is when the church is praying, really praying and seeking God's face.

I've only been to one big revival and I believe it was a true move of God. God had awakened me my senior year of high school to really go after him and to quit riding the fence. Ever since that time my longing after God was so much stronger and my passion for worshipping God. I became a new Christian; a real one who truly wasn't going through the motions anymore.

Was there anyone there in the flesh? Yes Were thousands of people saved and changed? Yes. It's not our place to judge a revival - it's between you and God and if God does something new and fresh in your spirit, then thank Him for it and give Him the glory.