Thursday, December 31, 2009


here is what I would like to see take place this year...

I would like to learn to paint.... and become good at it.
I hope to take drum lessons.. and get a set of drums.. suppose I should get the set of drums first, then lessons.
I want my butt to be smaller... ugh... always on my list.
I would like to trade in my van.. she is getting grumpier in her old age.... but what would I get? not a van!
I would like to make it to New York and Chicago... just for fun. Why not?
I would like to work towards running a 5K with Joel... hahahahaha.. seriously, we would like to ... we shall see if that actually happens.
I hope to make it through my big blue theology book...... I love theology.. need to make more time for it.
I am looking forward to a year of teaching my girls more important life lessons... Nevaeh has such a kind and big heart.... I am looking forward to seeing how much that grows in the year.... as for Jesslyn, she has a ways to go still.... she still thinks the world revolves around her. :)

I am not much of a "goal" oriented person... but love to reflect and look back and am always looking for ways that I can be better as a wife and mother. Hopefully my blog this next year will not have to be full of ranting and raving over stupid people... although sometimes it is the only way I can get out some frustration.

All that to say... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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