Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I am not sure if this is all happening because I have a birthday quickly approaching, or if it is because I am now back in my hometown, or if this is just a natural progression in a persons life, but I have been reflecting a lot lately. I am starting to refocus and am feeling an extreme sense of getting my house in order. Not physical house, since I no longer have that, but in a sense of family, in raising my kids, and how I want that all to look. I am realizing and reflecting back on my childhood so much lately. I am beyond thankful for my parents my aunts and uncles, my cousins and for the rich heritage I have been raised with. This is actually overwhelming me lately. The goodness of God on my life because of my rich heritage. Talking about this brings me to tears and reminds me of His blessings and His goodness and hand on my life. We headed to my aunts last night for dinner and while we were there, we looked through old pics from 1986 of us all going to Sunriver and Disneyland. I love that my family was big and that we all did these fun trips together. As the night went on at my aunts, we talked about church, theology, stuff that is messed up in the church today and the weird and whacked out teachings that take place in churches today. I realized that my strong opinions and strong feelings for such nonsense comes from my family. I was raised to know better and to fear being deceived. I am thankful for a rock solid family.. filled with people who are strong in what they know and do not run to the next thought or book to the next new thing or feeling. I now know why I have sat in some of these classes where 'crap' is being taught, and it makes my skin crawl. I come by it honestly and I cannot just sit and jump on the next bandwagon with the rest of them. It is just not in me. All that to say, I want this for my kids. I want them to be rock solid. To know what they believe, to have family that stands with them and believes in them and prays for them. To have a foundation that is strong, that will never leave them. I pray for this daily.
As we left my aunts, my aunt prayed over Joel and I and for the process of our house to finalize. She encouraged me to trust and to thank Him for what He has done in Joel and I. God, am I thankful for my family and my heritage. My cup runs over... and over... and over.

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