Saturday, September 4, 2010

Oh Fall, how I love thee.

The fall weather is slowly making its way into my life. I know it will hide again and then pop up again but I cannot wait. Is it way too early to set out my fall wreath and decorations? Maybe I will wait until after Labor Day :)

I went for a run this morning. My kids stayed the night with friends last night so I had an evening to myself until I had to pick Joel up at the airport. My run was great. This cooler weather makes it so much more enjoyable so I don't have to catch my breath from all the humid, sticky air. Now I have a bit of time to myself before heading to get them..... I must say, it is kind of nice. :)

I finally watched Shawshank Redemption the other night- I know, I know, a totally old movie... but I finally watched it. Very good, I must say.

Well, I must go... my time alone in a quiet house is slowing ticking away. I must make the most of it!

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